
I can not make you believe at all, but I can make you fly above. Don't worry for the other things, I'm on it.
I don't know if I was sure, I can't know how much happier I would have been, but I can tell you how much I feel when you are near, how much blood I could bleed if you'd hurt me.
Touch my hands, and you see. I touched and I was, I was burned. Oh I think you should know.
Your eyes and your smile make me feel klein, wie eine Schmetterling, die nicht fliegen kann. Doch bin ich verrückt, weil du mich verändert hast. Ich bin nicht sicher, oh man Ich konnte gar nie im Leben sicher sein, because you are so you, so you that I can't tell. But your eyes, your hair, your smell, makes me remind, of something I've forgotten yet.
Don't cry at night, because I love you. Don't be nice, because I lied to you. I won't always be here, I'm sure, but I'll be always be there for you, babe.


Kill my lungs, fuck my heart, say whatever you want. Stop shaking your memories, it's harassing me. Tell me to go away, tell me I'm your fucking arctic hare.
Try to fall out there, where nothing bears. Break my mind up and share, all your twisted melodies with notes and chores you will never understand. Wenn du etwas merken würdest, sollte ich mit dir treffen, und alles wird daran fangen zu fallen.
Wo bist du? Wo kann man sagen, dass du nicht mehr hier bist? No one cares, and no one knows, how proud I was about you. Aber Stolz macht mir krank, kann ich nicht mit dir sein? Wo schläft deine Kreis? Wo sind deine Freunde, dein Preis?
Wusste ich nicht sowieso wie viele Leute man brauchte, um glücklich zu sein und etwas zu sein.
And I don't need anything else, I just need to pass away. Go everywhere else, travel to nowhere, where I was born. To sleep in the past, to appear before my existence and fall apart. And nothing else matters, nothing else is going to happen.
Wo sind deine Eltern? Wo bist du? Bist du verloren? Obwohl du das verdienst, Ich würde dir gerne helfen.
Kill my lungs, fuck my heart, because it seems for the last time that I'm doomed to be lost inside, ignored from the past, look forward and run, and stay calm. Nothing will ever get me together, I'm broke into pieces you have been hiding from the ones that care, as known as no one, nowhere. 
This is a call of arms to live and love and sleep together. We could flood the streets with love or light or heat whatever. Lock the parents out, cut a rug, twist and shout. Wave your hands, make it rain. For stars will rise again. The youth is starting to change. Are you starting to change? Are you? Together, together, together, together, together, together, together. In a couple of years tides have turned from booze to tears, and in spite of the weather. We could learn to make it together.
The Youth - MGMT 
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Soulmates Without Souls Blog by Lara Nevada is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 2.5 Argentina License.
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